Thursday, January 01, 2009


I used to blog here from 2005 to mid 2006... then I closed my blog (for some unidentified reason), deleting the posts, but kept em in my PC. I didnt know how to delete the blog back then, so I just left it until I realised that my account is still available. 

I blogged back, using friendster's blog. Haha kinda normal syndrome among bloggers eh... change2 blog laa... apa laa.. hhahaha...

I switched back to blogspot as it's easier to link friends etc.. and I dragged along my previous posts from friendster blog here. So what happens to my previous posts from this blog before I decided to "close"? Hehehe.. just for my keep, I guess...

I happen to go thru these files... and reading it back, makes me smile... coz this is one of the posts I'd read and read and read back... Not because I sooo siok sendiri (mungkin jugak, haha)... but because it brings back good memories... good feelings :-) I just want to repost here, so dat I can read back any time I want... (without having to search for the files in my digital treasure box)... for old time sake...

Some posts are re-posted here :P