Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Cicak yang Durjana

Semalam Emme ajak melepak di persisiran laut Queensbay Mall. Bes la makcik ni, sebab hobi dia makan, dan hobi aku pula makan bila diajak makan. Petang tu mmg indah la, cewah… bukannye wat apa pun, makan kuih2 dan ayaq kat batu-bata tepi laut queensbay tu jer, bersama rakan-rakan lain – nando, kak ilah, rash, dan adikku. Semakin lewat, smakin banyak angin-bayu senja lah tu kot.

Hmm sebenarnya aku pun tatau apa yang aku nak tuleh… haha…

but.. sbnarnya melepak tanpa tujuan selepas sehari bekerja ni mmg bes… sbb merilekskan diri serba sedikit lah. So kami pun bersembang, merepek,ketawa2 dan menyakat sesame sendiri. Bila dah konpem senja… berlari-lari anaklah kitorang ke queensbay mall itu dan menjalankan rukun islam yang kedua. Selepas puas melepak dan memenangi tmpt pertama di racing circuit Daytona, pergilah kami untuk makan malam di gold coast (bayan bay).

Bertapa di pondok feveret, dan waaaa angin pantai dia sunggoh lah bes. Ramai pulak malam itu, rupa2nya budak2 matrik kmpp… waaa ini sudah kira junior cycle ke berapa ntah :) sebelum pulang smpt lah kami interview bdak2 yang melepak bermain pasir pantai berdekatan pondok kami itu. Kelab bowling kata mereka… waduh2 , kmpp sudah ada kelab boling gituh, wuuu… gitu skali.

Setelah di drop kan di skul, daku bawak kete… dan bersama kak ilah dan adikku menuju ke tekun. Rancak aku bersembang dengan kak ilah, tidak ku sedar adikku menyebut “macam bee movie” berkali-kali…

Tiba-tiba aku terlihat cicak durjana muncul di hadapan bonet depan kereta ku, membuatkan aku terjerit kegilaan… kerana aku sememangnya menci dan takut dan menyampah dengan cicak – cicak sedunia.

Mereka berdua pun sudah ke-gabra-an kerana aku masih menjerit2 tanpa memberikan konsentrasi penuh pada pemanduan aku. Mencii!!!! Aku geliiii…. Menulis di sini… mengingat kembali juga buat aku menjadi geli geleman semula… berani itu cicak! Boleh dia memandang muka aku apabila dia sampai ke cermin depan itu.. berani sungguh ya! Akhirnya kerana kekeliruan yang melampau, cicak itu kamikaze lalu melompat dari bonet depan kete tersebut. Namun aku terus juga pull over dan turun untuk memastikan cicak itu betul-betul sudah kamikaze… syukurlah dia dah takdok…. Huuu.. mengggeletar aku dan hamper mau menangis aku di situ…

Sampai ati ko cicak.. hari ku yang indah diakhiri nightmare yang terbawa-bawa sampai ke mimpi selepas ku pulang untuk tidur… tidakk!!! Jgn ganggu idop ku lagi, cicak… !!!!

mesej ini disampaikan khas kepada cicak-cicak sedunia...

~ sekian terima kasih ~

Friday, August 10, 2007


Ppl have different reasons to blog. With or without clear motives, this blogging thingy has become a chic... more and more people blog or merely blog-hop. I’ve read an article in The Star few weeks ago by one of their senior journalists. She was criticizing on the blogging trend, some that I can remember are as follows:
  • Everyone wants to be a writer
  • The extent of personal life being revealed. Most alarming is those by the teenagers
  • Trying to seek attention
Hmmm can’t remember di… but the issue caught my interest. Well I am among the people who blog, ain’t i?

By the way, if you are a blogger, why are you taking all the trouble to register, log in, customize ur blog kasik bunga sana bunga sini, keep on posting, cracking ur mind to post something… Why take all this trouble lah? Well… after some surveys and so-called experience in this bloggy world, maybe this list may help you to identify your initial reason why you wanted to blog… (in any language) Adakah anda:
  1. Love to write and secretly think that you have some hidden talent in writing
  2. You think your writing sucks big time, and thought blogging may help you to improve
  3. You think your life is great that you want everyone to know… or nicer way of putting it… you thought by sharing your great life stories, you’re doing ur readers some kind of favor
  4. You need to be a public figure, don’t you?
  5. You want people to feel what you feel, you want to share your secrets or problems, and show them that… It’s not easy to be me!
  6. You blog… write something, post it, and read it over and over again until you have an idea of what to write on your next blog post
  7. You want some second opinion… be it on your style of writing or the contents of your blog or on some issues that mocked your head…
  8. You are such a divine; you write things that can help people to have a better life
  9. You are so damn bored… and tadaaa…. Ur blogging dearest saves you yet again from dying out of boredom
  10. You want to impress people or certain someone with your thoughts and writings… so that people can see how matured/knowledgeable you are.
  11. You want to feel good about yourself. The blog post sounds good --> good enough = Life’s good! (Human arithmetic!)
  12. You hold on to the motto that brags as “Aku nak blog ka tak blog kaa, suka ati aku laa”

Aiyooyoo.... what kind of list I came up with nie? Most of them are negative, sarcastic huh? Kwang3x… I am brainwashed by the Star journalist it seems. Of course she must have carried out some research before coming out with the article; as a result, most of her points were quite undeniable.

At times when I get super duppa busy bored, I blog-hop too… and ya lor… some of these blogs are way too scary. Nampaknya, ramai sunggoh mahu menjadi cool dan ya-ah-auw(seperti kata Toophat) gitu… waduh2…

Your blog represents your identity… your personality… and the way you write it, and what you write in it will determine how much details you are giving out about your self.
Some people think, blogging is like having an open diary, so it’s a violation... because diaries are meant to be kept personal and as a secret. But you see, blogs don’t have to be diaries… they can serve as journals as well.

Anyway, which category I’ll put my self in, huh?
It’s likely to be 9 and 12… and who knows… maybe my secret agenda is number 4… That’s gonna be a pick from my unconscious mind, because I’m such an attention-seeker maa…