Sunday, August 10, 2008

the paper boat

8.30am (*I assume). Ehehe.. I was still sleeping when Ain called me :P

“Auntie nina(x3)… I want a boat”

tgh mamai lagi… but I could feel she was placing a small piece of paper on my palm. Half asleep, I took the paper and tried to make it into a boat… then… I doze off.

“Auntie2… my boat” oopss… tertidur…

Actually I didn’t know what I was doing, I was half asleep and it was pitch black (*my room is super-dark), therefore, I followed my childhood instinct and fold the paper with my eyes still closed.

Then… I realized the shape of the paper was not appropriate, we need a square… and again using instinct, tore away the unwanted area. Ain, without fail, came in every now and then to ask if I’ve completed her boat.

I started folding again. dunno how many failed attempt… reopen and doze-offs… but finally, fold and fold and… yeyyyy.. it’s a BOAT!!! Zzzzz

“Aunty… boatt…" I hand her the boat, she shouted happilly and ran out. If I heard her correct, singing in joy "yeahhh I got a boat… I got a boat…”

I was like “aaaa… I still have the touch for a paper boat.. yippieee” and…ZZzzzz …..zzz

* * * * * * * *

Later in the evening… she gave me a piece of paper…

“Aunty Vote“

i wrote an “X“ on the paper… She sulked…

“Aunty… vote laaa“

aaar? what symbol i should draw eh…. “What u want?”

“I want a boat laaa“

oppss… Boat… bukan Vote….

Boat?? hmm boat… why does it sound familiar eh???

Then, the picture of me sleeping in a boat… eh eh.. No… sleeping and making a boat came back to me. “uiksss. Did I really made one or was I dreaming???”

I ask her about the boat…it so happens dat… the boat has taken a voyage… down to my parents room and safely harbored at the back of the TV set…

Ahaks… tadaaaa…. here’s the paper boat…

~ invoke the child in me ~


Anonymous said...


haha.. auntie nina.. me want the doraemon ballon!! :D

zlee said...

ohohoho… aritu kt tapak konvo nangis2 u minta… isk isk..takper2 cik tutor akan pertimbangkan yaa :D~