Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Stamina bertangga ke Bukit Bendera

WOKES..... mari Cargas semula.
Kali ni ~ Bukit Bendera.

Bukit Bendera or Flag Hill is one of Penang's most popular tourist sites. One of its main attractions is the Cable Car... the other would be the view from top.

To reach Bt Bendera on foot.... there are quite a number of tracks... One from Botanical Garden (MoonGate), then another from Youth Park. Even from MoonGate... there are more than 1 track for us to choose from.

I went hiking there 2 times recently. We started from Moon Gate. There is another track - from the Jeep Route, so it's tar road all the way up. From MoonGate - hill track.

mula-mula... so semangat!

Then jadi mcm nyawa2 ikan bila tgk the stairs.... Stairs of Horror as Zue put it. Tgk je la... byk steps n curam2 jugak :{~

First station: Station 5 ~ here, we have outdoor gym instruments... Free drinks (plain water / chinese tea)- not sure on weekdays ada tak... and resting/lepaking spots.


Phew... no mo stairs of horror! but challenging nonetheless. Quite interesting track :-) Nice View along the way.

Our second Station.... Station 84 ~ Resting place and Plain water available.

From station 84.... we can choose whether to continue on hill/jungle track or jeep route (tar road). On our first time, since there were only 3 of us, girls... we chose the tar road since someone told us that the hill track is a bit confusing and we might get lost....

TAR / Jeep Route:

So here's our Tar Road journey, Hehe:
(marked Red - a track approaching from other fork) - this is where we tembus kuar on our 2nd trip.

Yeahhh..... Sampai...Jeep route 5.0 km :D for us: (2.5km from station 84 + hill trek, not sure)

Hill / Jungle Track:
The following week.... we chose the hill trek.

It's very challenging.. very steep and dirty :D but at the same time... nicer view :D
And actually we were quite lost... we were supposed to come out at 4.6km fork.... But we kinda pusing2 bulatan mana entah... and got out at 3.8km, hiking back on jeep route. taking us longer time than expected.

at 4.6km.... we chose another route... not jeep route.... and finally... made it UP to the TOP!

My rough sketch.....
Both these tracks start from Botanical Garden (MoonGate / JeepRoute).

Actually there are more tracks.... There was this guy who told us, they climb to station 5 and from station 5 they use a different track known as Bukit Pondan before exiting to station 84. Aikk bukit pondan? Never heard of it before... maybe next trip eh.... hehe

Ok Bukit Bendera sudah..... What next? :D


Zue said...

ada sketch lagik. hebat la u!

zlee said...

ehehhee... len kali kena gi btpondan utk menambah sketch :-)

mamaeesya said...

tgh bloghopping.. tetibe jumpa blog kak ina.. hahaha... hi kak ina!

zlee said...

hi hi... mesh...
blog siok sendiri jer.. hihihi