Monday, February 14, 2011

Holiday on Ice

I had this childhood fantasy of "holiday on ice" talcum powder... haha... I laughed when I figured how relevant it was when Mardhiyah asked me if I wanted to join a skiing trip. Though in present i don't fancy the idea of skiing, (I prefer sports that require less equipment handling), I did it for my childhood memories... plus a little bit of 'new' adventure once a while will be good, rite :P

I joined this program organized by muslim student association of NC unis, to the Beech mountain ski resort,  NC. We can choose between Skiing, Snowboarding, and Tubing. Snowboarding sounds too scary, Tubing sounds too cute, so Ski it is! :P senang tak buat decision?... hohoho.

Look at the crowd... since winter is ending soon, I guess ramai berpusu-pusu to njoy as much as they can :D

and they have ski school for beginners (like me). But I kan berlagak terrer, haha... tak aar, amik syarat dpt ski pun cukup, even dengan gaya ayam itik skalipun :P

kaki terkepak kepak

Apparently, I dont have any inborn talent or superficial powers for skiing! Keep falling which is quite common for beginners... so that's what I happily did for most of my time there. Seriously... it was fun falling on snow coz its soft...but of course later u deal with your muscle ache la kan. Then, knowing me, I even felt when I was not skiing. on earthground, not on snow... passing by the cafetaria when out of sudden, a girl gleefully asked me "Did you have great time?!!" Kedeboom, jatuh!  grrrr... And again knowing me, I am good at 'speed recovery' and got up, gave a bimbotic laugh (cover malu), "yeahh, I guess I did, huhhh"  and kontrol macho... dalam hati, huwaaaa..............why whyyy

so lesson learned... to all of u out there: Toksah dok gempak mami laghu tu noh...  haih...adeh... well hidupku tanpa drama adalah tak sah, kan.....

This is the lift, that goes to the highest trail... erk, tiba-tiba acrophobia looking at this. nehi nehi. There are 'less extreme' trails, and separate lifts for that. Unfortunately (for me), when you hop on this lifts, u have to ski/snowboard down... u can't hve the return ride on this lifts. I really wanted to go on it, but since my skiing is bad, (I can't stop while going down slopes), I can't jeopardize my safety as well as others' on my path.

Anyways, I had fun learning how to ski at less steeper areas. When I got tired, I played around with snow (tindakan refleks bagi org khatulistiwa yang jupe snow kan) and went to check out the snowtube side... oh my, looks fun and cute :P tubies tubies teletubbies cute :D but i heard from those who did it, it was kinda rough as well :P

Last but not least, it was a great experience.
A part of it was also coz I met bunch of new friends, all young and energetic!! They are juz so cool... made my day! Thank girlss ;-)

winter's gonna be over soon... its getting warmer these days..yeahhh!


Anonymous said...

like it very much!!!!


zlee said...

thank u dearr....