Thursday, April 02, 2009

reincarnation of a bookworm

Went to the library (after some nano years)… I borrowed 4 books... weeee...

Library is a mysterious place.

It is! Simply because that’s how I remembered it when I was younger. The primary school library was a dark place (tak cukup illumination), with 60% of the books beyond readable. Hard covered, dusty, yellow n dust catching pages, small writings, and traces of book worms. Sure didn’t look like it would attract kids 7-12 years old right? I heard that place has changed a lot, with replacements of furniture and books over the years. But all I can remember… it was a mysterious place.

Libraries got less and less mysterious as I grow up… the secondary school library had wider range of choice of books. But hehe… I secretly had an obsession over older books… a section where not many would end up in. Reading on science discoveries and encyclopedia (seriously weh) when the rest hunt for Tin-Tin series and Heinemann books. Oh ya.. Heinemann’s books... I was after those books too :P so I was not a total weirdo all the time lah.

I hated matriculation’s library… a boring place with number of tables more than the books. The library was used for Prep-session, which I hated to attend. There were no good books to read, so all I did was chat with friends despite getting annoyed stares from the good and behaved ones :P

Then the Uni library. I remember this library! I was there during a field trip when I was 13. At that time, I saw some students reading some thick-thick books with small-small writings with their face almost kissing the pages… “Is this life in uni? dun tell me we gonna have to really read all those thick-thick things?” Horror sight for a 13 -year old!

One year passed in Uni and I didn’t even go 2the library to borrow books… When I was in my 2nd year, I needed to borrow a book, but was clueless of the number of books allowed and period of loan. A junior had to tell me the info… haha… and I never remembered. If I needed to borrow one (once in a blue moon), I had to ask and re-ask :P Haha… I usually google things up rather than spending time in the library. In these once in a blue moon occasions, whenever I go to the library to look for some books, I like the feeling of walking in between the racks n books. Makes me feel so… urmmm… educated! Gagaggagagaha… feel so bookworm-ishh.. like bangga berbunga-bunga. Hahahha…

How things have changed huh… I used to love spending time in a library, but now… it feels like nostalgic and like walking into a museum when I walk into a library… teruk betoi… Apa ni? (Blame the Internet!) I am officially back as a student now… So after this recent visit to the library, I bernekad not to be too alien to a place called a library. I want to feel bookwormish again… konon...


Aisyah said...

hahaha.. tu la psal.. same la i pn.. g library bape kali je sepanjang kt usm nih.. hohoh.. :P

btw, ble u g library? i ingat nk g td.. dah siap park kt library then teringat xde necklet plak.. trus balik.. sok la plak.. kih kih kih.. :D

Jessie C said...

I always love library. In uni, yes we always read all the thick2 books but sometimes we do thin books too, of course lah those are haunted ghost book, just for leisure reading. keke And I agree it can be mysterious. But the longer you take your time to get acquainted, the more you'll feel educated and walk out from the library with excited living brain cells that just want to excel in exams. Just talking from my own experience LOL

zlee said...

Hehehe... I pegi pada hari i post ni la... tu la aca, kita dah 'renew' status student bbrpa kali... hahaha... oleh itu, marilah kita merajin2 kan diri ke library :P~ hohoho

jessie, sounds like u have spent more time in uni library... "walk out from the library with excited living brain cells that just want to excel in exams" Wow... hahaha... now i need to get my brains there more often to feed em with excitement :P:P~

Jessie C said...

terpaksa lah... the brain cell is slow at absorbing lol