Monday, May 04, 2009

watermelon shield

a friend once told me... that i'm like a water melon

"hard outside… soft and sweet inside..."

Waa.... gambar ini sungguh la makes me wanna eat watermeleng now!

Ouh... about me and the watermelong thing... u peeps know me well enuf... ye dok? Luarannya nampak ganas but hatinya begitu sopan... kuikuikuikui... yeker? :))

Btw... generally... Usually, these so-called ganas/macho girls can be more sensitive, fragile... Vulnerabilty of the softer side being attacked, being ganas applies like a shield for em. ekehekeh... But as the watermelon ages... does the shield get softer? Hahahaha... soalan bak Discovey Channel ni... jawab jgn tak jwab... ahakss...


Zue said...

But as the watermelon ages... does the shield get softer? watermelon ages? how old can a watermelon grow? i think the shield can be impacted by many reasons..watermelon jatuh tergolek..watermelon digelek durian..watermelon ditebuk tupai.. =P

so, jadilah durian..durian pon hard on the outside, soft & sweet on the inside.

zlee said...

haahhaa... i donno... how old can a watermelon be? another discovery channel nyer soklan nih :P

ahahha.. yala kan.. antu durian cam i ni sebaiknya jadi durian aja kan... durian hard on the outside (siap torny lagi... lg brutal ni) and soft sweet inside... tapiiii... berbauu laaaa BB... mcm mana tu... :P

Zue said...

apa salahnye bau? humans mmg ada bau pa.... =P tapi bukan kah u nak jadi tomato, soft on inside & outside. hehe..dun listen to what people tell you.... heeeeee

zlee said...

ahhahaha.. jangan la remind pasal tomato tuhh... klakar jer...soft inside out? lemah gemalai lah i lepas ni... ahaks..

Aan Andes said...

The shield will be softer but still keras hahaha. Menjawab tak?

Babe, u r more to happy go lucky and telus instead of ganas ok. I think we are about the same character only I am softer lalalalalala.

Hahaha kidding la :P

zlee said...

Aan... jawapan anda masih sebuah misteri... kuikuikui...but i think i get the point somehow :P

happy go lucky n kalut :P~ Yaa.. kita kan sama tapi tak srupa...