Thursday, July 09, 2009

Tarian Hujan musim ketiga

On our way to dinner, it was raining. SuperBB and I entered the restaurant. Wow… full house! Only the tables at the last row were empty. Rain had ceased, so we didn’t have to worry about getting wet. Halfway through meal... it started to downpour again, thunder and lightning dancing in the sky. Even after we moved the table slightly inside, the rain still sprinkled on us. SuperBB said: “Takper, let’s finish eating… control macho je

The drizzle tickling my face and SuperBB’s macho expression made me laughed. I concluded my meal with a cup of hot Nescafe, which I guess had extra ingredients of acidic rain water. Gagaga... Still raining heavily; we decided to battle the rain to the car, parked not far away, under an overhead bridge.

Our side of the road was somewhat flooded with rain water (slightly above ankle length jer) and we had to cross over to the opposite side. SuperBB: “Redah jer… kita pun dah basah

1, 2, 3…. Run!!!

SuperBB victoriously crossed over… but I… Waaarkh… one of my slippers is missing! Gone! Tenggelam, Lemas di bawa arus! Half shoed, I looked for the other half in the water but the 'current' must have washed it away. Both of us tried to look for it by meraba-raba-ing the not-so-deep water, and peeping under a car parked there.

After 10minutes demonstrating Tarian Hujan around the car, decided to follow SuperBB's advice to come back at day light to look for it. Uwaaaa…. :-( I went back to my room disappointed, smelling like drain or rain water… not sure myself.

Next day, Yes… I went back to check. But it wasn’t there.

I’m sorry dear… I drowned your twin!!!

I can get a new pair, I know… but it won’t be its twin partner la kan. Hmm... maybe I should buy the same slippers with different color, eh? Then, I can wear it as same color pair or as mismatched pair with this now solo slipper… mix & match is trend right??

* I keep having dramatic experiences with shoes sandals, slippers @_@
Lesson Learned: Pakailah selipar cap Tat Seng...

Akhir Kata…
Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan,
juga sepasang selipar tambahan.


Aan Andes said...

Happy birthday Azleena!!!! may all ur dreams come true and blessed in everything.

shimah said...

Happy Birthday Azleena!

zlee said...

Tima kasih korangss..