Sunday, July 26, 2009


In between papers, assignments and being entertained by niece and nephew... I still have time for this Random entry :P

Random 1
we had tis Projek Petani.
It's pretty obvious that it's nothing fancy. There's 4 of us, but on turun-padang (digging + planting) day, only 3 petani turned up, the 4th was not feeling well but promised to turun-padang on her own.
Three separate tapak-semaian :P
Hehe.. Go Green!!

Random 2
3 ladies, Pn. Lisa, Pn.Siti Seeta and Cik Leen, on their way to Queensbay for lunch. Before we could go out of the campus, Pn.Seeta's car faced some problem... overheat. We pulled over and managed to settle the prob... But, we left the car there and walked to where I parked my car. It was a very hot day but I enjoyed the clear sky = no jerebu day! Hehe... and it's good for Seeta too since she's new to the campus :P~

Random 3
Funny and cute. I got 2 birthday gifts that rekindled the kiddo in me.

First one: This from Kak Ilah:

Hahaha.... Cute kan.. Kak Ilah said she thought it'll be helpful since I like to cut papers and decorate gifts etc... I have played around with all 8 blades and I had fun indeed.

2nd one: From my elder sis:

Seriously?? Mwahahhaha.....

Yeah... ancient serious!

It's a book about Dinosaurs. Book & Dig Kit... meaning u get to dig ur very own dino bones out! Wow Weeee... Hahahhaha... Lawak kan... At first, I sayang nak start digging... but when Kak Ilah asked me "you nak tunggu dinosaur u jadi petroleum ke?" I terus tercabar :))

Over the weekend... Ain and I started digging! Haha.... Ain's a big fan of dinosaurs, okey.

Two paleontologists at work!

After a few hours... we were still at this:

Penattt... I told my junior paleontologist that we'll continue another day... Perlu kesabaran kerja ni.

Baru realize... this week jer.. I had 2 digging projects...
I shall now start my 3rd and most important digging: more literature for my research!!!

Random Note
With all the kiddiness going around lately, (projek petani pun macam kanak-kanak main pasir jer kan) haha... I got a set of One-Drop perfume from Alisa, haaa... good... bring back the woman in me :P
Thank you all... I enjoy all of em...


Zue said...

wahh..projek dino itu sangat best!

Anonymous said...

Tapak projek petani u kat mana? The dinosaur dig set is really cool..!


zlee said...

tapak projek adalah di sekitar USM :P our VC pernah promote kempen 1 orang 1 pokok... we all buat 1 orang 6 pokok :D hihihi

yaa... projek dino adalah sesuatu yg sgt best bagi saya *lol

fazot said...

eh, fosil apa tu? kaler hijau? adakah spesies kura2? pi korek cepattt, hehe.

Aan Andes said...

I want that scissors tooooooooo!!!!

Jessie C said...

First, Pn Seeta look HOT post wedding coz when it was me, I macam sayur masam sebab terlalu penat. LOL

Second, that tapak semaian is so cool! I hope you keep updating us if the veggie berjaya survive or not. hehehe

Third, the dino set looks like so much fun! Even to a 27 year old! haha

zlee said...

hahaha.. tu la kopius gak mula2... apakah fosil itu sudah berkulat... :P

Hihi.. i remember u telling me pasal kdg2 tringin nak beli brg2 fancy mcm zaman2 remaja dulu... haha... kan dulu suka la kan beli2 mcm ni... sronok2

1.Yeah pn.seeta maintain hot gitu. Eih u mana ada masam... vogue jerr...
2.Tu la.. kena keep track nanti... hope it'll survive laaa
3.Tell me about it! lets get our hands dirty hahaha

Little Bookworm said...

Omg...ur presents are totally cool!! I paling tak suka bg presents kt org...bkn tak suka sbb apa, but I always dunno what to buy la. Huu. Its always the same stuff kt gift shops pn. Myb u guys cn suggest smthg to me. :(

**Nnt letak la updated pics of ur dig! Hehee

zlee said...

Hehe.. I have the same prob too.. Usually dunno what to buy. But I think it's a good idea to buy something random although it may not be the typical gift from gift shops , mcm gunting dan dinosor set ni hahhaa... I pernah dpt berus cuci tandas masa besday form 2 dulu... berus tu dihias dengan tulisan wasiat pemberinya LOL