Friday, April 22, 2011

Lone-Star -Part 2 (San Antonio)

Before going down to Texas, I did some research about San Antonio. Most importantly, I need to have a map!!! Haha... oh yah, the google map! Refering to my bus itinerary and hotel booking, I had some rough idea how I were to move around.

I got my hotel thru, as this is one of the services that offer cheap but fairly good accommodation, of course depending on the criteria we choose on the website.

The trick is... in most transcations, you won't know which Hotel you will be assigned to, only the area the hotel is and type of hotel i.e. budget / 3stars / 5stars, and price. But for certain places, i think sometimes they do reveal the name of the hotel first. Since Eli gave a good recommendation for this site, I booked with that. I got a nice hotel, but a bit of a walking distance from the center of attraction (The RiverWalk area). Huhu, I had to go with that, since hotels in the hearts of SA is dem expensive.

After payment made (online), The hotel was revealed, Holiday Inn (without breakfast). Ok. Walking distance from my bus station (Greyhound Express) = 1.2 miles.
Hmmm dat sounds do-able, "walk-able"... right? Ok wait... 1.2 miles is around 2km? Opps... Erk...ok la,  DO-ABLE  lah kot :P I told myself.

A: Greyhound Station
B: Holiday Inn Express
my preJourney uncle-google-map

Haha... Looking at the map - quite a number of blocks away. Since Im not a fan of cab/taxi, I knew I would walk!
Arrived SA around 4.20pm.
Started walking.... with my big lappy bag (dat has both my lappy and dslr in it), my luggage bag (a carry-on luggage-sized trolley bag).... and this is the most bijak one --> Heels :-)) a comfy heels but Heels nonetheless.. smarta**! ahahaha

Jalan punya jalan.......
geesh.. the map mmg penipu gk aar... jauh gk! :)) Dan sampaiiii!! and Room! trus la lompat dan landing... PENAT!!

Reason to love Hotwire:
so much space... but all alone!  -_-'

Rested a while... called my friends to inform them I arrived safely.... refresh... solat.... then.. ok.. time to jalan-jalan! Packed light... and walked to Market Square.
In the map above (in between Dolorasa and W Commerce St, opposite N Santa Rosa Ave)

This place has very strong Mexican influence.Most of the things here are Mexican, even the people (mexican heritage). For a while there, I really felt like I was in Mexico.

One good thing about travelling is... culture.
And this place obviously doesnt lack that.
Observing people.... walking pass the crowded market....
But, I didnt make too much contact with people, or unnecessary conversations.

1. young lady singing a spanish song (she got great vocal)
2. around Market Square
3. market square indoor.... they were having some performances by kids
4. the bridge concert - outdoor concert, well... under a overhead bridge...

Did some Mini shopping... mostly keychains and magnets.
Then, it was getting dark, so I went back to the hotel....

After Isya', I went out.. to the Riverwalk area.

Nice Lighting around the River area... tadaaa:

There's RiverBoat Ride..... but I just missed the last boat.. and decided to do it next morning. better on daytime, more things to see maa.

So I just walked along the riverwalk....

Went in some shops... window shopping....magnet shopping :P
simply... enjoying the night breeze.



It was almost 11,
Not even the time for Cinderella to go back... but it was for me!
but on my way back to my hotel.... bumped into this...

Ya Ya OK....
I got cha hint... go back early before I turn into a pumpkin or tomato rite....

So back I went... walking in lightspeed.... and as soon as I got in my room... Kebooom!

Open laptop, upload pictures, went online.. duh!

Ok... I really needed my beauty sleeeeepp badly... and need energy to go jalan-jalan next day...


Aan Andes said...

Yup, good thing about travelling is culture! Kalau takan sebab ambil gamba pokok, we can have the same trees in our place kan.

Anyway San Antonio looks lovely. And gotta love google map (even though it cheats hehehe)

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

Lovely pics.

Follow each other.